Campaign achievements
A huge ‘thank you‘ to everybody who has helped with the campaign so far. With your help the Brexit Consequences Public Inquiry Campaign is becoming a tremendous success.
So far, the Campaign has achieved seven crucial things:
(1) 216,804 people signed the petition urging the government to set up a Public Inquiry into the consequences of Brexit. We are delighted to be able to say that it is among the largest petitions ever created in the UK (in the top 1%). Here is a link to the petition (and the final tally) on the Parliamentary website: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/628226 The petition (which was completed last week) got support from all over the UK. If you would like to see any particular area’s specific contribution, here is an interactive data map: https://petitionmap.unboxedconsulting.com/?petition=628226
(2) Because of its size, the petition triggered an historic parliamentary debate – the first debate on Brexit’s consequences ever held in Parliament. 27 MP’s attended, of whom 25 (from eight different political parties) spoke – mostly against the way Brexit is impacting the UK. Here is a recording of the debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHzf1BQFXq8
(3) At the parliamentary debate, five political parties came out in favour of our proposal for a Public Inquiry. The event brought to an end a long period in which Brexit’s impact has been the parliamentary ‘elephant in the room’. If you want to read a transcript of the debate, here is a link: https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2023-04-24/debates/9F243FD0-3A78-4A39-9969-73B964BF60A9/UK%E2%80%99SExitFromTheEuropeanUnion
(4) The campaign has clearly demonstrated that if enough people join forces, it is possible to begin to make political progress on key issues. We think that is a fundamental democratic principal.
(5) Our mega-petition itself was successful in attracting active help from a wide range of organisations (including European Movement, Open Britain, Another Europe is Possible, Best for Britain, National Rejoin March, Stay European, SODEM, and others). We are grateful to them all.
(6) Hundreds of thousands of people have become involved in the campaign in one way or another. Quite apart from more than 216,000 signatories, many thousands have helped via social media, more than half a million have watched all or parts of the parliamentary debate (which we and others promoted via social media etc) and over a million people read articles (or listened to broadcasts) about the campaign and the debate. There were major articles in several national newspapers including The Daily Mirror, The Independent, the i and The New European. We estimate that, via social and conventional media etc, we reached well over 4 million people.
(7) Because of the petition’s success, we are now able to embark on the next phase of our Brexit Public Inquiry campaign. We are launching a civil society outreach programme to try to win the support of trades unions, business organisations, religious bodies, youth organisations, women’s organisations, ethnic minority organisations, environmental organisations, etc etc. We will shortly announce more details re that next phase of the campaign. We are also planning another major parliamentary initiative (more on that when details have been finalised).
Once again a huge ‘thank you‘ for everybody’s help,